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Pre Service Teacher Training
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Contining Professional Development (CPD)
Continuing Professional Development is much wider than just formal training courses, Because Learning never ceases, Regardless of age or seniority. Professional roles are ever changing therefore the goals of CPD is to improve personal performance and enhance career progression. CPD is the process by which, alone and with others, Teacher review, renew and extend their commitment as change agents to the moral purpose of teaching and by which they acquire and develop critically the knowledge, skills and emotional intelligence essential to good professional thinking, planning and practice with children, young people and colleagues through each phase of their teaching lives.
Facilitate the Education and Literacy Department and STEDA in CPDaffairs. Participate in Policy Dialogue Provide technical support in designing of CPD Programs Conduct orientation programs, CPD programs and Research seminars. Develop materials, manuals, CPD resources; Quality Assurance of CPD programsPublish Research Findings in Journals.
Professional Development of education Managers 1000 trained in sindh through the Government of Sindh and UNESCO initiatives in year 2005-6.Establishment of Education Leadership Center in 2010 and offered SindhEducation Sector Management (SESM) course to 117 Education managers through 5 cycles in year 2011-12.
- i. Develop educational technology based training resources
- ii. Support TEIs in upgrading their professional capacity in ICT
- iii. Provide on job support to TEIs faculty through face to face , on-line and mobile unit
- iv. Undertake technology based researches.
- v. Develop linkages with other national and international organizations and institutions.
Future Planning
Advocacy through Education Discussion, Conference and Seminars Research, Development and PublicationTo Develop tool for Qualitative and Quantitative plansQuality based Professional Development programsDatabase and Management information system (Training and Equipments)Policy and Practices.
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