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Quality Assurance & Research Center (QARC)
With the time, it was realized that all teacher education programs/ courses should undergo the two important processes called i) Quality Assurance ii) Research. The importance of Quality Assurance is to ensure the achieving of the quality standards set by STEDA for various TED Programs/ Courses. The same way, the significance of area of research is to explain, discover and test out the facts or recommend/ prescribe any new approaches/ models into the practice. The PITE has established Quality Assurance and Research Center (QARC). The aim of creation of this Center is to do Quality Assurance of Programs/ Courses and to undertake research in Teacher Education issues and practices with the support of STEDA. Very soon, this Center will be handed over to PITE after completion of its civil work. After start of Center, the PITE will launch courses on Quality Assurance and Research for the Teacher Education Institutions in Sindh. Also, it will include QA and Research in Teacher Education activities.
In QA, the PITE will use its QA techniques/ strategies to improve the quality of all its programs related to the ITE, CPD and ELC. In research, the PITE will design the different types of research projects (Quantities, Qualitative and mixed) to be conducted in the teacher education and development field in Sindh province. The QARC is under construction and it will soon be handed over to PITE. The PITE plans to introduce courses in QA and Research; undertake the QA and Research in TED; develop tenders for TED programs and courses for future.
Quality Assurance wing at PITE is working to improve the standards of quality learning through various mechanisms and Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs). These mechanisms and standards are applied in overall training activities of the PITE to ensure better quality. It may, however, be noted that QA wing of PITE has to work within the given policy framework of the Government , as the case may be. As far as Monitoring and Evaluation is concerned, the QA wing constantly recommendations for improvement.
The core objective is to enhance the quality of learning at all levels of education by training and nurturing the teaching cadre both at PITE and simultaneously in the field. In order to ensure accomplishment of its laid down goals, apart from building a competent and devoted in house faculty The Quality Management System of the Directorate is based on International Standards which includes training and motivation of available Human Resource, monitoring and evaluation of all processes working for professional development of teachers and continuous enhancement of the standards. PITE strives for continuous improvement in all laid down processes by focusing on the satisfaction levels of its partners and stakeholders.
Providing high quality training, follow-up and support to teachers, among other things, requires good trainers and master trainers. In its initial phase of CPD implementation, PITE is involved in the training of trainers and master trainers, which is being undertaken in partnership and close collaboration with carefully selected external service providers with proven expertise in the field of teacher development and other concerned areas. Proper quality assurance will allow the PITE to demonstrate that the training has positive, tangible results. PITE as a learning organization as well as will benefit from the information that the quality assurance mechanisms generate. The key principle of quality assurance is that the main actors who are involved in the design and delivery of an activity are accountable for good performance.
- vi. Assist Teacher Education Institutions TEIs in Quality Assurance.
- vii. Training faculty in QA.
- viii. Undertake research on QA in Teacher Education.
- ix. Disseminate QA findings through research seminars and conferences
Provincial Institute of Teacher Education [PITE] Sindh,
GPO. Box # 52. Muhammadi Town, Sakrand Road Nawabshah,
District Shaheed Benazir Abad, Sindh
Tel: 0244- 9370531-4
Email: [email protected]Copyright 2024-PITE All Rights Reserved Designed By Mr. Malik Ali Raza
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